If you are a store or gallery owner and would like to carry Brevity in your shop, please get in touch for access to our wholesale site and our catalog. Thank you!
If you already have a wholesale account, please login via the "log in" link at the top of the website.
Shop Best Sellers
Gifts that are sure to please.

A truly one-of-a-kind-gift
- custom calligraphy
- custom handwriting

hand-lettered by a calligrapher
...and still more personalized options
"The perfect gift for you or someone you adore." - Muses Visionaries
"The ultimate personalized jewelry." - E! News
"Best gift idea ever." - Cosmopolitan

Gift Wrapping
Send your gifts in Brevity's signature packaging, with a black and gold box and a personalized note.

No Worry Guarantee
Our jewelry is made to last, but in the event that you need it, repairs are free for the first two years.